sorry friend
i realy didn't like it it was pretty boring, but the last joke made most up and still gave you a 3/10 and a 2/5
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sorry friend
i realy didn't like it it was pretty boring, but the last joke made most up and still gave you a 3/10 and a 2/5
Haha, alright.
bit strange
i liked it tho it get low ratings.
pretty sick and twisted th4/5
I'm sorry.
And I'll tell you why: every Tut on its own is pretty bad on its own.
Advanced tweening:
-You gave a few good hints.
-You didn't show an example of what the actual tween should look like in the end.
-I'm not going to lie, your shape tween looked downright awful
-You didn't cover anything about smoothing a shape tween with stuff like extra key frames in the middle and shape hints, making every shape tween someone tries to make look like your's.
Action script:
You gave some scripts, even one i didn't knew about yet.
-You gave the script. There are a lot of people who just blindly except that a script does what you say. Every time they want to do it they just use your script thus making them learn nothing. When you cover a tut you should explain why and not only what. This didn't help people understanding AS.
- The tut explained what it said.
- The pic's about the properties. one had a pic of a .fla file and the second a .swf.
.fla file's are always bigger. you should at least have changed the color in photoshop or actually made a screenie of a .swf of 10mb. And next to that the color change was the first thing i see change in the pic. people could think thats what have to change whit out looking further for changes.
Newgrounds basics:
- Explained a lot of things.
-Most of the time a person finds the flash tut's it already knows a bit about newgrounds. A tut on a site about the same site that is less good then the site's actual faq is pretty useless.
-And again don't just give the names about things also explain what they are. I missed that a lot at some points
Advanced Sprites:
-Again a few good hints. pretty useful for making sprites.
- You named the in, out effect but explained nothing of where it stood or what it does.
-You named loads of things whit out giving enough example's.
-this one was pretty good.
-Still looking :P
I think you could make great tutorials if you'd wipe away the con's. but please update a few of the images that are off date.
goodluck, bet you'd make the best of it.
i don't know
try to find a sphere tutorial cuz your ball didn't look very good. put the 8 in a different position so it doesn't look like a 3, take a different layout and some better music.
its pretty odd that you say you can code so good but your graphics are really on a way lower level.
good game
like others said it was easy. because of the lack of challange it bored me pretty fast.
try to put in bigger pushies, solid pushies(that you can't move through), fast pushies(in another color, and fast so harder to dodge), stunning pushies(makes you unable to move), sticky pushies(harder to move through), bomb's(instant death) and combinations of these. also make difrent shaped pushies so you don't always look to squares, that can be optional though. hope to see a part three sugested it to collection.
I'll definitely take your suggestions into consideration when making the third one.
this is so great
i loved it it is so great, it is just perfect.
on to a diamond record for this one, hope it soon will be discoverd
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Age 35, Male
kick ass
Joined on 3/17/07